You can make
a difference
Enriching the lives of the people that live with us is at the heart of everything we do. By supporting us, you can help make later life an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
We really appreciate anything you can donate, whether big or small!
Or read on to find out more about how you can help us raise money.
In 1956 Richard Carr Gomm recognised that many older people were living alone and felt isolated in their communities. He created the Abbeyfield charity to provide them with a safe and secure home where they could build friendships and find support.
Today, Abbeyfield have scores of properties across the UK. The Abbeyfield Braintree Bocking and Felsted Society, also a registered charity, is part of this network. Its four houses created over the past 50 years now provide safe and secure homes for nearly 200 older people in the Braintree area.
By donating to our charity you are helping us to:
As a not-for-profit charity with volunteer Chair and Trustees, we can apply the maximum of our resources to directly benefit our residents, ensuring a continual programme of upgrading and improving our properties.
You can help us raise money in all sorts of ways.
Come to one of our regular social events. We hold monthly coffee mornings at each of our houses. All visitors welcome!
Recent special events have included quiz nights, a craft fair, musical performances and a close-up magic night. See the News section or follow us on the Polly’s Field and Abbeyfield BBFS Facebook pages to find out what we have planned.
All profits are used to benefit the residents in our houses.
Did you know you can donate to us just by shopping online? Simply sign up with easyfundraising, add their Web browser extension to your computer, then shop as usual.
Click on the the reminder which appears when you visit a site that pays donations to us before you make your purchase and easyfundraising takes care of the rest, all without you having to do anything other than your normal online shopping.
Read more and sign up at easyfundraising now!
Help us to help older people get more out of life by leaving Abbeyfield Braintree Bocking and Felsted Society a gift in your Will.
We believe older people deserve time and respect. It is our mission to provide the best service of care and housing for all our residents, and to be a champion for older people. We have been a charitable housing organisation for over 50 years. Throughout this time our residents are always at the heart of what we do and the services we provide.
If you’re interested in leaving our charity a gift in your will or would like to help in any other way please contact us:
Email: or call us on 01376 320061.
If you would like to help us in any other way, please contact:
Diane Fitzgerald, Marketing & Fundraising Manager
Abbeyfield Braintree, Bocking and Felsted Society Ltd
Polly’s Field Village
Church Lane
Essex CM7 5XD
Email: or call 01376 320061
If you make a donation or contact us we promise not to sell your information to any other organisations. We will also not contact you about your donation or ask you for further donations unless you request us to.
Our thanks for their recent donations go to:
Easyfundraising; we have raised over £2,000 to date.
John Laing Charitable Trust
Clear Vue
Green ICT Recycling
Woolfson Foundation – Polly’s Field project
Northern Power & Gas for providing a range of equipment for the residents’ gym at Polly’s Field Village.
Fowler Smith & Jones Trust generously funded the refurbishment of the kitchen at Abbeyfield House, Felsted.
The Stansted Airport Passenger Community Fund for donating 3 iPads for our residents to use.